2016 Promises to be a good year for tomato plants, garlic and our new Oyster mushrooms.
Although we started by growing and selling ornamental grasses and perennial plants, with some shrubs and a few trees, we have now moved to more edible crops and away from ornaments.
The market place caused this shift as we realized that food was a necessity. Grasses on the other hand were not a priority for many.
So here we are in 2016 with over a 100 varieties of Tomatoes, many new kinds of garlic and our Blue, Elm, and Tree Oyster mushrooms. We are careful not to expand to an unmanageable size so usually if something new is introduced, something else gets dropped.
Last but not least are our ducks. We supply duck eggs to many of our customers, these eggs are tasty and many people who have allergies to chicken eggs can eat them.
If you are in Kamloops on a Saturday this year, come and visit our booth at the Kamloops Farmers Market.
Laughing Swan Farm
We are a nursery that specializes in Ornamental grasses, and perennial plants. Situated on the South Thompson River near Kamloops BC.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Spring is kind of here....
An unusually cool spring has not effected our plants because they all are safely growing in our greenhouses. We are a small business and every year we slightly alter course to adapt to market conditions and the requirements of the people who buy plants from us.
This year we are growing lots of tomato plants, over 50 heirloom varieties. Herbs too are a focus for us this time of year. Our grasses and perennials are still a large part of our business but we have streamlined this after several years and now offer fewer but more current varieties. In all it should be another good year for us at Laughing Swan Farm, please visit us at the Kamloops Farmers Market on Saturday mornings throughout the summer or come to our Farm on Sundays between 11 and 3, just follow the signs on Shuswap Road.
Our web address is www.laughingswanfarm.com
Email us at laughingswan@telus.net
Monday, January 6, 2014
LAUGHING SWAN SEEDS on the sunny South Thompson River.
Our seed business is remarkably different from any other seed company.
We advocate for people to stop wasting seeds! A family of 4 with a moderate size
garden doesn't need 500 lettuce seeds, or 200 basil seeds, or 100 tomato seeds.
Generally, you will plant some seeds from the packet, and the rest are put away,
either in a place not suitable for keeping them fresh, or forgotten about the next
year. Even though many seeds are viable for more than 1 year, fresher is better.
We believe it is better to offer seeds in smaller amounts, that you will use in a year.
You are better off to buy fresh seed next year. Also, then you are not stuck with
hundreds of seeds of a particular variety. Experiment - try different varieties!
Many people over-sow their seeds. Carrots are a good example: people will fill the
seed furrow with seeds (partly to use up what they bought), only to have to spend
hours thinning out the shoots so the few plants they actually want can grow!
Overcrowding is not good for any plants. Yes, we know this flies in the face
of what 'everyone' has 'always done'. Sometimes change is for the better.
We promote sowing fewer seeds, reducing the need to pull them out to thin, thereby
not wasting seeds. The shoots that do germinate and sprout will be healthier
without all that competition. And, you will have more time to enjoy your garden!
"Old gardeners never die, they just go to seed"
laughingswan@telus.net Shirley & Ken Wells
B: for hanging baskets N: native plant
C: for containers P: pollinator plant
Amaranthus 'Red tails' love-lies-bleeding' showy 32" brilliant red C 40 $ 2.00
Amaranthus Tricolour Perfecta variegated foliage also good cut flower 36" red/cream/green C 40 $ 2.00
Ammi majus 'Queen of Africa' superior variety, umbel sha 48" white N P 25 $ 2.00
Bacopa 'Snowtopia' perfect white trailer multi-seed pellet 6" white B/C 10 $ 3.00
Bidens 'Golden goddess' ferny leaves, easy, 24" trailing 24" golden yellow B/C 10 $ 2.50
Calendula pot marigold 12" orange 15 $ 2.00
Cerinthe 'Gibralter pride' leaves blue-green, mottled with 30" grape colour, blue bracts P 6 $ 3.00
Cobaea scandens purple cup & saucer vine very unusual 6-10' purple, bell shape P 5 $ 2.50
Coleus 'Black Dragon' red lobed leaves edged in b 10" C 25 $ 2.00
Cosmos 'Fizzy rose picotee' large semi-double, very pret 36" pink, carmine rose rim 18 $ 2.00
Dusty miller 'Silver dust' silvery serrated leaf drought tolerant 15" 40 $ 2.00
Cat grass (Hordeum vulgare) variegated cat grass very unusual 12" C N 25 $ 2.50
Geranium 'Bull's eye red' rich chocolate zoning on lea 12" red C 10 $ 3.75
Marigold cherry gem/tangerine gem 1/2" flowers, lacy foliage 10" cherry red/tangerine orange P 25 $ 2.00
Marigold 'Durango' red very large flwrs 12" 12" deep scarlet red P 40 $ 2.50
Marigold Lady 'First' African, 4" flower 18" bright yellow P 15 $ 3.00
Marigold Lady 'Gold' African, 4" flower 18" gold P 15 $ 3.00
Marigold Lady 'Orange' African, 4" flower 18" orange P 15 $ 3.00
Marigold Lady 'Primrose' African, 4" flower 18" ivory P 15 $ 3.00
Marigold, Mexican 'Moonbeam' single wavy petals very unusual 2-3' ivory P $ 2.00
Nicotiana Avalon mix (pelleted seed) rare colours, continuous bl 8" mixed C 25 $ 2.00
Petunia EasyWave 'Plum pudding' mix multi-seed pellet, all colours in o 12" plum vein + violet B/C 6 $ 4.00
Petunia ShockWave 'Electric' mix multi-seed pellet, all colours in o 12" purple + pink vein B/C 6 $ 4.00
Petunia Easywave 'Neon rose' multi-seed pellet, mounded & tr 12" vivid hot rose B/C 6 $ 4.00
Petunia Easywave 'Plum vein' multi-seed pellet, mounded & tr 12" lavender, dark plum vein B/C 6 $ 4.00
Petunia Easywave 'Violet' multi-seed pellet, mounded & tr 12" rich blue violet B/C 6 $ 4.00
Petunia Tidalwave 'Purple' multi-seed pellet, mounding vigo 12" vivid purple B/C 6 $ 4.00
Petunia Tidalwave 'Silver' multi-seed pellet, mounding vigo 12" white, purple vein B/C 6 $ 4.00
Poppy 'Shirley red' 3-4" flower 18" fire-engine red P 25 $ 2.00
Salvia 'Lady in red' 1" trumpets, hummingbirds 12" scarlet red C 25 $ 2.00
Sunflower 'Italian white' black center 48" ivory white P 15 $ 2.50
Sunflower 'Munchkin' dwarf 24" yellow C P 10 $ 3.00
Sunflower 'Teddy bear' full double flower 16" golden yellow C P 10 $ 2.00
Tithonia 'Yellow torch' Mexican sunflower long blooming 32" lemon yellow P 10 $ 2.00
Venidium 'Orange prince' 5-6" blooms, striking full sun! 32" orange, black eye C 10 $ 2.00
Blackberry lily unusual, seed heads look like bl 36" orange spotted with red P 10 $ 3.00
B: for hanging baskets N: native plant
C: for containers P: pollinator plant
Catnip (Nepeta cataria) blooms all summer cats love it 12" blue-green leaves C P 100 $ 2.00
Gaillardia 'Burgundy' blanket flower, drought tol. brings butterflies 30" rich wine red P 12 $ 2.00
Hollyhock 'The Watchman' unique colour, single flower 48" dark maroon 10 $ 2.00
Lavender 'Ellagance Pink' blooms first year hardy-zone 5 10" pink P 15 $ 2.50
Lavender 'Ellagance Purple' blooms first year hardy-zone 5 12" deep violet P 15 $ 2.50
Lavender 'Ellagance Sky' blooms first year hardy-zone 5 10" sky blue P 15 $ 2.50
Lavender 'Hidcote superior' primed seed for better ger 12" deep violet P 20 $ 2.50
Lavender 'Munstead' most planted variety hardy-zone 5 16" purple P 25 $ 2.00
Monarda didyma 'Panorama mix' fragrant, good cut flower, hum 30" mix P 25 $ 2.00
Poppy 'Tulip poppy' rare, originally from Mesopo 18" brilliant scarlet 25 $ 2.00
Soapwort great for groundcover & con 6" pink B/C P 40 $ 2.00
Thyme, mother of creeping ground cover not for culinary use 4" pink to purple P 20 $ 2.00
Veronica 'Red Fox' dwarf plant, lots of flower sp 15" deep rosey red P 20 $ 2.00
Carex flagellifera (bronze) fine arching bronze leaves ( 15" bronze C 12 $ 2.50
Carex 'Red rooster' changes colour - wheat to b 12-14" wheat to bronze C 5 $ 3.00
Foxtail barley long silky awns, for contain 24" pale green N 20 $ 2.00
Mexican feather grass fine leaves, very graceful 30" green C N 25 $ 2.50
Millet 'Lime spray' lime green foliage & seed h 36" lime green C 20 $ 2.00
Millet 'Purple majesty' deep purple foliage, 10" pur 36" deep purple C 10 $ 2.00
Stipa 'Angel hair' fine leaves, very graceful & 36" green C 25 $ 2.50
Stipa 'Pony tails' fine leaves, very graceful & 18" green C 25 $ 2.50
Wheat 'Mesa desert' full awn, for dried or fresh c 36" green to wheat C 20 $ 2.00
Melica 'Red spires' deep red plumes, bronze le 60" green/bronze N 10 $ 2.50
Pennisetum 'Tail feathers' upright, cream 4-6" seed he 4-5' green C 10 $ 2.50
Pennisetum'Viridescens' (fountain grass) irridescent black foxtail see 36" green turns to gold C 10 $ 3.00
Arugula (rocket) adds a tangy flavour to sala 30 green 25 $ 2.00
Endive 'Marchiere Tres Fine' frilly, French type mild, delicious 40 green 15 $ 2.00
Lettuce 'Barbados' summer crisp baby leaf 33 green 25 $ 2.00
Lettuce 'Cherokee' summer crisp great flavour 48 dark red, large 10 $ 2.00
Lettuce 'Chistera' baby leaf fast growing 60 red 25 $ 2.00
Lettuce 'Green ice`' baby leaf ruffled 45 sweet, green 25 $ 2.00
Lettuce 'Petite rouge' romaine-cos baby leaf 48 wine red 25 $ 2.00
Lettuce 'Salad bowl green' leaf sweet, tender 45 brilliant green 25 $ 2.00
Lettuce 'Simpson elite' leaf slow-bolting, sweet 48 light green 50 $ 2.00
Lettuce 'Sunset' leaf slow-bolting 50 dark red, large 25 $ 2.00
B: for hanging baskets N: native plant
C: for containers P: pollinator plant
Lettuce 'Vivian' romaine (25 days-baby, 50 25-50 dark green 25 $ 2.00
Mache 'Corn salad' mild nice in salads 60 green 25 $ 2.00
Mustard 'Green wave' Asian mustard slow bolting 30 frilly, green 25 $ 2.00
Mustard 'Mizuna' Asian mustard non-pungent 30 narrow, green 25 $ 2.00
Mustard 'Tatsoi' Asian mustard mild flavour 45 deep green rosette 25 $ 2.00
Pepper 'Big red' sweet, thick wall, 4"x6" mild 75 12 $ 2.50
Pepper 'Jalapeno early' early variety hot 85 25 $ 2.00
Pumpkin 'Cinderella' French heirloom best tasting! 95 6 $ 2.00
Pumpkin 'Small sugar pie' sweet flesh tasty 100 8 $ 2.00
Spinach 'Swan' baby leaf, mildew resistant very sweet, tasty 53 glossy round dark green C 25 $ 2.00
Squash 'Delicata' winter squash sweet 100 10 $ 2.00
Squash 'Early butternut' winter squash nutty flavour 85 6 $ 2.50
Squash 'Queensland blue' winter squash tasty, semi-sweet 110 4 $ 2.00
Squash 'Sweet dumpling' winter squash sweet, tender 100 10 $ 2.00
Swiss chard 'Rainbow' colourful tasty, tender 60 25 $ 2.00
Tomatillo purple fruit for salsa, cooking 70 purple 12 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Beefsteak' great tasting slicer, ind. traditional beefsteak 80 red 12 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Black cherry' sweet rich flvr, prolific, ind. heirloom 65 purple/red 15 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Black Krim' medium, hvy prod., ind. heirloom 80 brown/red colour 20 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Black truffle' high sugar, rich flvr, ind. heirloom 75 burgundy/black C 12 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Black zebra' rich flavour, ind. heirloom 85 dark red, green/mahogany C 12 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Bloody butcher' medium, early, ind. heirloom 55 red C 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Brandywine' excellent flavour/texture, ind. Amish heirloom 80 red 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Carbon' rich complex flavour, taste 75 purple/black 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Celebrity' F1 high disease resist, det. fresh or canned 72 red C 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Cherokee purple' rich, smokey flvr., ind. heirloom 75 deep dark dusky rose-purple C 12 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Czech excellent yellow' full flvr., high producer, ind. heirloom 75 yellow C 8 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Earl of Edgecombe' firm meaty flesh full flavour heirloom 73 orange 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Green Zebra' intense full flvr., ind. heirloom 75 lime green, streaked yellow C 12 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Hillbilly' (tomato leaf) med., orange&red, ind. heirloom 85 yellow-orange, red streaks C 20 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Indigo rose' high antioxidants, ind acid/sugar balance 80 purple with rose end C 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Italian heirloom' huge fruit, excellent, ind. heirloom 75 red C 15 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Italian roma' meaty, good taste, ind. fresh or sauce 78 red 20 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Japanese black trifele' rich/complex flvr, pear shap 74 burgundy/green 12 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Joie de la table' rare, good taste, more acid 75 red 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Kardinal' juicy, great taste, earthy, gre 75 red 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Lemon boy' F1 juicy, low acid, prolific, ind. mild flavour 72 yellow 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Marmande de Paris' provence gourmet. Juicy, gr 62 red 12 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Maria's cherry' very sweet, prolific, ind. Italian heirloom 70 red C 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Marmande Paris' gourmet type, semi-det. great flavour 62 dark red C 12 $ 2.50
Tomato 'New York' good sweet/acid flavour, det fresh or canned 64 red 15 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Oregon spring' medium, early, hardy, det. heirloom 60 red C 20 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Oxheart red' heartshape, up to 2 lbs. ind. heirloom 80 red C 12 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Pineapple Hawaiian' sweet fruity taste, few seeds, 85 yellow/red 12 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Principe borghese' plum shape, crack resist.,dryin heirloom 78 red 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Purple calabash' rich wine-like taste, ruffled heirloom 80 purple/black 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Riesentraube' high yields, good tomato taste, 80 red 15 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Rozovyi' exc. sweet flavour, huge, ind good for sauce 75 red/pink 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'San Marzanno' meaty, great for sauce, ind. heirloom 80 bright red, pear shape C 12 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Southern nights' smokey full flavour, ind. Russian heirloom 80 black/red, green shoulders C 12 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Sugar lump' cherry, very sweet, ind. heirloom 65 red C 20 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Sun gold' F1 Sweet! Vigorous, good for d 57 tangerine colour C 8 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Swan's surprise!' a mix of varieties - try somet various 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Sweet million' cherry, sweet, ind. long clusters 70 red C 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Wapsipinicon peach' 2", fruity, fuzzy like peach, ind sweet, unusual 78 peach colour 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'White currant' THE sweetest, heavy clusters heirloom 70 wcreamy white 12 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Yellow gooseberry' sweet, prolific, low acid, tasty heirloom 75 yellow 10 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Yellow plum' lots of clusters, produces u 78 yellow 20 $ 2.50
Tomato 'Zigon' rich complex flavour, old Ru 80 black/red 12 $ 2.50
Basil 'Genovese' aka St. Remo favoured by chefs 21" dark green 20 $ 2.00
Basil 'Goddess' compact, slow bolting very spicy 12" bright green C 20 $ 2.00
Basil 'Holy' (tulsi tea) green gourmet, strong 12" green C 20 $ 2.00
Basil 'Italian sweet large leaf'' large, bright green strongly scented 16" bright green 20 $ 2.00
Basil 'Mammoth' huge, light green excellent flavour 15" light green 25 $ 2.00
Basil 'Pistou' petite, rounded shape spicy 6" green C 20 $ 2.00
Basil 'Red Freddy' dark red Genovese type, sa 21" dark red 20 $ 2.00
Basil 'Sacred' best for cool weather, hardy 12" green C 20 $ 2.00
Basil 'Sweet Dani' large, olive green strong lemon flavour 26" olive green 20 $ 2.00
Basil 'Thai Siam queen' AAS winner licorice flavour 24" purple 20 $ 2.00
Borage sky blue star flowers edible flwr/leaves 24" green P 10 $ 2.00
Cilantro 'Rani' large flat green leaf, mild more for seed 24" green 10 $ 2.00
Cilantro 'Santo' large flat green leaf favourite 24" green 10 $ 2.00
Dill 'Superdukat' lots of foliage, high essenti 30" green 20 $ 2.00
Parsley 'Italian' (flat leaf) dark green flat leaf best flavour 12" dark green C 20 $ 2.00
Parsley 'Forest green' (moss curled) triple curled good flavour 12" forest green C 20 $ 2.00
Sage (garden) traditional, culinary best flavour 24" grey/green P 10 $ 2.00
Summer savory easy to grow for meat/veggies 12" green/bronze C P 20 $ 2.00
Sweet Marjoram milder than oregano good with meats 12" green C P 20 $ 2.00
Thyme (winter) English type, hardy excellent flavour 6-10" green C P 10 $ 2.00
*'Multi-seed pellet' and 'pelleted seed' have many tiny seeds per pellet, making sowing these seeds very easy, without over-sowing.
*'Primed seed' has already been stratified (pre-chilled), increasing germination rates.
Please contact us for ordering. See our website for photos of the ornamental grasses.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
It's the end of 2012 and we have had a good year at Laughing Swan Farm.
Plants got sold, plants got grown and plants are also overwintering, getting strong for next year. The Laughing Swan seed business is also getting going, promising to be a nice off season addition to our plant sales.
Next year will see more varied and interesting plants some hard to find, some unusual, and some quite rare.
2013 will see 43 varieties of tomatoes. (Seeds/plants)
Just like the plants we deal with, the business itself is constantly changing, growing and evolving.
Please email us for our seed catalogue, we do mail order. laughingswan@telus.net
Lets have a wonderful 2013.
Plants got sold, plants got grown and plants are also overwintering, getting strong for next year. The Laughing Swan seed business is also getting going, promising to be a nice off season addition to our plant sales.
Next year will see more varied and interesting plants some hard to find, some unusual, and some quite rare.
2013 will see 43 varieties of tomatoes. (Seeds/plants)
Just like the plants we deal with, the business itself is constantly changing, growing and evolving.
Please email us for our seed catalogue, we do mail order. laughingswan@telus.net
Lets have a wonderful 2013.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Seed Catalogue for 2013
LAUGHING SWAN SEEDS on the sunny South Thompson River | ||||||||||||||||
Our seed business is remarkably different from any other seed company. | ||||||||||||||||
We advocate for people to stop wasting seeds! A family of 4 with a moderate size | ||||||||||||||||
garden doesn't need 500 lettuce seeds, or 200 basil seeds, or 100 tomato seeds. | ||||||||||||||||
Generally, you will plant some seeds from the packet, and the rest are put away, | ||||||||||||||||
either in a place not suitable for keeping them fresh, or forgotten about the next | ||||||||||||||||
year. Even though many seeds are viable for more than 1 year, fresher is better. | ||||||||||||||||
We believe it is better to offer seeds in smaller amounts, that you will use in a year. | ||||||||||||||||
You are better off to buy fresh seed next year. Also, then you are not stuck with | ||||||||||||||||
hundreds of seeds of a particular variety. Experiment - try different varieties! | ||||||||||||||||
Many people over-sow their seeds. Carrots are a good example: people will fill the | ||||||||||||||||
seed furrow with seeds (partly to use up what they bought), only to have to spend | ||||||||||||||||
hours thinning out the shoots so the few plants they actually want can grow! | ||||||||||||||||
Overcrowding is not good for any plants. Yes, we know this flies in the face | ||||||||||||||||
of what 'everyone' has 'always done'. Sometimes change is for the better. | ||||||||||||||||
We promote sowing fewer seeds, reducing the need to pull them out to thin, thereby | ||||||||||||||||
not wasting seeds. The shoots that do germinate and sprout will be healthier | ||||||||||||||||
without all that competition. And, you will have more time to enjoy your garden! | ||||||||||||||||
"Old gardeners never die, they just go to seed" | ||||||||||||||||
Important! To order seeds, send us an email with your seed selections, we will then
send you an Invoice through 'Paypal' where you can pay with either a
credit card or your 'Paypal' account. Once we have confirmation,
we mail the seeds to you or, if you prefer to pick them up at the
'Visions Farmers Market' (Sahali Mall) please say so in your email.
Dates of market; Feb 2, 16, March 2, 16, April 6, 20.
laughingswan@telus.net | Shirley & Ken Wells | |||||||||||||||
www.laughingswanfarm.com | ||||||||||||||||
LAUGHING SWAN FARM | ||||||||||||||||
2013 SEED CATALOG | ||||||||||||||||
B: for hanging baskets | N: native plant | |||||||||||||||
C: for containers | P: pollinator plant | |||||||||||||||
NAME | NOTES | DETAILS | HT. | FLOWER COLOUR | B/C | N | P | #sds | PRICE | |||||||
ANNUALS | ||||||||||||||||
Alyssum 'Crystals' white | large flowers | multi-seed pellet | 4" | white | P | 20 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Amaranthus 'Red tails' | love-lies-bleeding' | showy | 32" | brilliant red | C | 40 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Amaranthus Tricolour Perfecta | variegated foliage also | good cut flower | 36" | red/cream/green | C | 40 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Ammi majus 'Queen of Africa' | superior variety, umbel shape flowers | 48" | white | N | P | 25 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Bacopa 'Snowtopia' | perfect white trailer | multi-seed pellet | 6" | white | B/C | 10 | $ 3.00 | |||||||||
Begonia Non-stop mix * | large double flowers | pelleted seed | 8" | mixed | B/C | 10 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Begonia Non-stop 'Mocca' mix * | with dark bronze leaf | pelleted seed | 8" | mixed | B/C | 10 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Bidens 'Golden goddess' | ferny leaves, easy, 24" | trailing | 24" | golden yellow | B/C | 10 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Calendula | pot marigold | 12" | orange | 15 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Cerinthe 'Gibralter pride' | leaves blue-green, mottled with white, unusual | 30" | grape colour, blue bracts | P | 6 | $ 3.00 | ||||||||||
Cobaea scandens purple | cup & saucer vine | very unusual | 6-10' | purple, bell shape | P | 5 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Coleus 'Black Dragon' | red lobed leaves edged in black | 10" | C | 25 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Cosmos 'Fizzy rose picotee' | large semi-double, very pretty form | 36" | pink, carmine rose rim | 18 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Dusty miller 'Silver dust' | silvery serrated leaf | drought tolerant | 15" | 40 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Cat grass (Hordeum vulgare) | variegated cat grass | very unusual | 12" | C | N | 25 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Geranium 'Bull's eye red' | rich chocolate zoning on leaves, premium plant | 12" | red | C | 10 | $ 3.75 | ||||||||||
Geranium 'Inspire white' | earliest! Long flowering, multi-blooming | 12" | white | C | 10 | $ 3.00 | ||||||||||
Marigold, French, double orange | full double flower | 12" | true orange | P | 20 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Marigold cherry gem/tangerine gem | 1/2" flowers, lacy foliage | 10" | cherry red/tangerine orange | P | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Marigold 'Durango' red | very large flwrs 12" | 12" | deep scarlet red | P | 40 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Marigold, French, Mahogany | gorgeous colour | large flowers | 10" | mahogany, gold-fleck center | P | 6 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Marigold Lady 'First' | African, 4" flower | 18" | bright yellow | P | 15 | $ 3.00 | ||||||||||
Marigold Lady 'Gold' | African, 4" flower | 18" | gold | P | 15 | $ 3.00 | ||||||||||
Marigold Lady 'Orange' | African, 4" flower | 18" | orange | P | 15 | $ 3.00 | ||||||||||
Marigold Lady 'Primrose' | African, 4" flower | 18" | ivory | P | 15 | $ 3.00 | ||||||||||
Marigold, Mexican 'Moonbeam' | single wavy petals | very unusual | 2-3' | ivory | P | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Morning glory 'Kniolas black' | unusual colour, nice trailer or climber | 4' | velvety black | B/C | 8 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Nicotiana Avalon mix (pelleted seed) | rare colours, continuous blooming, dwarf | 8" | mixed | C | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Petunia EasyWave 'Beachcomber' mix | multi-seed pellet, all colours in one pellet. Easy! | 12" | blue + coral reef + shell pink | B/C | 6 | $ 4.00 | ||||||||||
Petunia EasyWave 'Plum pudding' mix | multi-seed pellet, all colours in one pellet. Easy! | 12" | plum vein + violet | B/C | 6 | $ 4.00 | ||||||||||
Petunia ShockWave 'Electric' mix | multi-seed pellet, all colours in one pellet. Easy! | 12" | purple + pink vein | B/C | 6 | $ 4.00 | ||||||||||
Petunia Easywave 'Neon rose' | multi-seed pellet, mounded & trails 30", large flowers | 12" | vivid hot rose | B/C | 6 | $ 4.00 | ||||||||||
Petunia Easywave 'Plum vein' | multi-seed pellet, mounded & trails 30", large flowers | 12" | lavender, dark plum vein | B/C | 6 | $ 4.00 | ||||||||||
Petunia Easywave 'Violet' | multi-seed pellet, mounded & trails 30", large flowers | 12" | rich blue violet | B/C | 6 | $ 4.00 | ||||||||||
Petunia Tidalwave 'Purple' | multi-seed pellet, mounding vigorous trailer | 12" | vivid purple | B/C | 6 | $ 4.00 | ||||||||||
Petunia Tidalwave 'Silver' | multi-seed pellet, mounding vigorous trailer | 12" | white, purple vein | B/C | 6 | $ 4.00 | ||||||||||
Poppy 'Shirley red' | 3-4" flower | 18" | fire-engine red | P | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Salvia 'Lady in red' | 1" trumpets, hummingbirds love it!! | 12" | scarlet red | C | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
B: for hanging baskets | N: native plant | |||||||||||||||
C: for containers | P: pollinator plant | |||||||||||||||
NAME | NOTES | DETAILS | HT. | FLOWER COLOUR | B/C | N | P | #sds | PRICE | |||||||
ANNUALS | ||||||||||||||||
Sunflower 'Italian white' | black center | 48" | ivory white | P | 15 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Sunflower 'Munchkin' | dwarf | 24" | yellow | C | P | 10 | $ 3.00 | |||||||||
Sunflower 'Prado red' | brown center | 48" | velvety red | P | 10 | $ 3.00 | ||||||||||
Sunflower 'Teddy bear' | full double flower | 16" | golden yellow | C | P | 10 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Tithonia 'Yellow torch' | Mexican sunflower | long blooming | 32" | lemon yellow | P | 10 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Variegated cat grass | cats love it | very unusual | 12" | green/white variegated | C | 25 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Venidium 'Orange prince' | 5-6" blooms, striking | full sun! | 32" | orange, black eye | C | 10 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
PERENNIALS | ||||||||||||||||
Blackberry lily | unusual, seed heads look like blackberries (iris) | 36" | orange spotted with red | P | 10 | $ 3.00 | ||||||||||
Catnip | blooms all summer | cats love it | 12" | blue-green leaves | C | P | 100 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||
Gaillardia 'Burgundy' | blanket flower, drought tol. | brings butterflies | 30" | rich wine red | P | 12 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Hollyhock 'The Watchman' | unique colour, single flower | 48" | dark maroon | 10 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Lavender 'Ellagance Pink' | blooms first year | hardy-zone 5 | 10" | pink | P | 15 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Lavender 'Ellagance Purple' | blooms first year | hardy-zone 5 | 12" | deep violet | P | 15 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Lavender 'Ellagance Sky' | blooms first year | hardy-zone 5 | 10" | sky blue | P | 15 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Lavender 'Hidcote superior' | primed seed for better germination, hardy zone 5 | 12" | deep violet | P | 20 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Lavender 'Munstead' | most planted variety | hardy-zone 5 | 16" | purple | P | 25 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Lavender 'Vicenza blue' | very scented, blooms 1st year | hardy-zone 5 | 15" | deep blue | P | 20 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Monarda didyma 'Panorama mix' | fragrant, good cut flower, hummingbirds love it, FYF | 30" | mix | P | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Poppy 'Tulip poppy' | rare, originally from Mesopotamia | 18" | brilliant scarlet | 25 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Soapwort | great for groundcover & containers | 6" | pink | B/C | P | 40 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Thyme, mother of | creeping ground cover | not for culinary use | 4" | pink to purple | P | 20 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Veronica 'Red Fox' | dwarf plant, lots of flower spikes,flowers first year | 15" | deep rosey red | P | 20 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Carex flagellifera (bronze) | fine arching bronze leaves (weeping sedge) | 15" | bronze | C | 12 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Carex 'Red rooster' | changes colour - wheat to bronze, curled tip | 12-14" | wheat to bronze | C | 5 | $ 3.00 | ||||||||||
Foxtail barley | long silky awns, for containers | 24" | pale green | N | 20 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Love Grass 'Ruby silk' | ruby seed heads, good dried | 16" | green to wheat | C | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Mexican feather grass | fine leaves, very graceful | 30" | green | C | N | 25 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Millet 'Lime spray' | lime green foliage & seed heads | 36" | lime green | C | 20 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Millet 'Purple majesty' | deep purple foliage, 10" purple seed head | 36" | deep purple | C | 10 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Stipa 'Angel hair' | fine leaves, very graceful & elegant | 36" | green | C | 25 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Stipa 'Pony tails' | fine leaves, very graceful & elegant | 18" | green | C | 25 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Stipa 'Wind whispers' | very fine leaves, very graceful & elegant | 36" | green | C | 15 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Wheat 'Mesa desert' | full awn, for dried or fresh cut | 36" | green to wheat | C | 20 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
B: for hanging baskets | N: native plant | |||||||||||||||
C: for containers | P: pollinator plant | |||||||||||||||
Buchloe dactyloides (buffalo grass) | dense clump, curly blades, drought tolerant | 12" | grey/green | N | 50 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Melica 'Red spires' | deep red plumes, bronze leaves | 60" | green/bronze | N | 10 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Pennisetum 'Tail feathers' | upright, cream seed heads | 4-5' | green | C | 10 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Pennisetum'Viridescens' (fountain grass) | irridescent black foxtail seed heads | 36" | green turns to gold | C | 10 | $ 3.00 | ||||||||||
Sorghastrum nutans | Indian grass, tolerates poor soil, challenging | 36" | grey/green turns orange | N | 10 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Xerophyllum tenax | Bear grass' very unusual, zone 5, challenging | 48" | green, white flowers | N | 10 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
VEGETABLES | DAYS | LEAF COLOUR | ||||||||||||||
Arugula (rocket) | adds a tangy flavour to salads, 16" | 30 | green | 25 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Broccoli 'Decicco Italian sprouting ' | sprouting type, continuous harvest | 48 | P | 20 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Endive 'Marchiere Tres Fine' | frilly, French type | mild, delicious | 40 | green | 15 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Leek 'King Richard' | summer type, very early, 12" | white interior | 75 | green | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Lettuce 'Barbados' | summer crisp | baby leaf | 33 | green | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Lettuce 'Cherokee' | summer crisp | great flavour | 48 | dark red, large | 10 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Lettuce 'Chistera' | baby leaf | fast growing | 60 | red | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Lettuce 'Emerald-ruby duo' | butterhead & frilly mix | 60 | green & red blend | 25 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Lettuce 'Galactic' | leaf (30 days-baby, 58 days-full) | 30-58 | very dark red | 25 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Lettuce 'Green ice`' | baby leaf | ruffled | 45 | sweet, green | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Lettuce 'Petite rouge' | romaine-cos | baby leaf | 48 | wine red | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Lettuce 'Salad bowl green' | leaf | sweet, tender | 45 | brilliant green | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Lettuce 'Simpson elite' | leaf | slow-bolting, sweet | 48 | light green | 50 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Lettuce 'Sunset' | leaf | slow-bolting | 50 | dark red, large | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Lettuce 'Vivian' | romaine (25 days-baby, 50 days-full) bolt resist. | 25-50 | dark green | 25 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Mache 'Corn salad' | mild | nice in salads | 60 | green | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Mustard 'Green wave' | Asian mustard | slow bolting | 30 | frilly, green | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Mustard 'Mizuna' | Asian mustard | non-pungent | 30 | narrow, green | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Mustard 'Tatsoi' | Asian mustard | mild flavour | 45 | deep green rosette | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Onion 'Candy' | mild, sweet, stores well | white flesh | 95 | 15 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Onion 'Red Zeppelin' | large, deep red | excellent storage | 115 | 25 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Pepper 'Big red' | sweet, thick wall, 4"x6" | mild | 75 | 12 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||||
Pepper 'Jalapeno early' | early variety | hot | 85 | 25 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Pepper 'Joe's long' | unusual, 11" long | medium | 75 | 6 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||||
Pepper 'Yankee bell' | medium/large, early | mild | 70 | 12 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||||
Pumpkin 'Cinderella' | French heirloom | best tasting! | 95 | 6 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Pumpkin 'Small sugar pie' | sweet flesh | tasty | 100 | 8 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Spinach 'Swan' | baby leaf, mildew resistant | very sweet, tasty | 53 | glossy round dark green | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Squash 'Delicata' | winter squash | sweet | 100 | 10 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Squash 'Early butternut' | winter squash | nutty flavour | 85 | 6 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||||
Squash 'Queensland blue' | winter squash | tasty, semi-sweet | 110 | 4 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Squash 'Sweet dumpling' | winter squash | sweet, tender | 100 | 10 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Swiss chard 'Rainbow' | colourful | tasty, tender | 60 | 25 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
B: for hanging baskets | N: native plant | |||||||||||||||
C: for containers | P: pollinator plant | |||||||||||||||
Tomatillo | purple fruit | for salsa, cooking | 70 | 12 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||||
Tomato 'Allegheny sunset' | excellent flavour, ind. | heirloom | 80 | yellow, red marbling | C | 10 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Beefmaster' F1 | great tasting slicer, ind. | disease resistant | 80 | red | 12 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Tomato 'Beefsteak' | great tasting slicer, ind. | traditional beefsteak | 80 | red | 12 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Tomato 'Black cherry' | sweet rich flvr, prolific, ind. | heirloom | 65 | purple/red | 15 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Tomato 'Black Krim' | medium, hvy prod., ind. | heirloom | 80 | brown/red colour | C | 20 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Black truffle' | high sugar, rich flvr, ind. | heirloom | 75 | burgundy/black | C | 12 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Black zebra' | rich flavour, ind. | heirloom | 85 | dark red, green/mahogany | C | 12 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Bloody butcher' | medium, early, ind. | heirloom | 55 | red | C | 10 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Brandywine' | excellent flavour/texture, ind. | Amish heirloom | 80 | red | 10 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Tomato 'Celebrity' F1 | high disease resist, det. | fresh or canned | 72 | red | C | 10 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Cherokee purple' | rich, smokey flvr., ind. | heirloom | 75 | deep dark dusky rose-purple | C | 12 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Czech excellent yellow' | full flvr., high producer, ind. | heirloom | 75 | yellow | C | 8 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Green Zebra' | intense full flvr., ind. | heirloom | 75 | lime green, streaked yellow | C | 12 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Hillbilly' (tomato leaf) | med., orange&red, ind. | heirloom | 85 | yellow-orange, red streaks | C | 20 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Indigo rose' | high antioxidants, ind | acid/sugar balance | 80 | purple with rose end | C | 10 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Italian heirloom' | huge fruit, excellent, ind. | heirloom | 75 | red | C | 15 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Italian roma' | meaty, good taste, ind. | fresh or sauce | 78 | red | 20 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Tomato 'Japanese black trifele' | rich/complex flvr, pear shape, crack resist., ind. | 74 | burgundy/green | 12 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||||
Tomato 'Joie de la table' | rare, good taste, more acid than sweet, ind. | 75 | red | 10 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||||
Tomato 'Kardinal' | juicy, great taste, earthy, great slicer, ind. | 75 | red | 10 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||||
Tomato 'Lemon boy' F1 | juicy, low acid, prolific, ind. | mild flavour | 72 | yellow | 10 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Tomato 'Maria's cherry' | very sweet, prolific, ind. | Italian heirloom | 70 | red | C | 10 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Marmande Paris' | gourmet type, semi-det. | great flavour | 62 | dark red | C | 12 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'New York' | good sweet/acid flavour, det | fresh or canned | 64 | red | 15 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Tomato 'Oregon spring' | medium, early, hardy, det. | heirloom | 60 | red | C | 20 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Oxheart red' | heartshape, up to 2 lbs. ind. | heirloom | 80 | red | C | 12 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Pineapple Hawaiian' | sweet fruity taste, few seeds, ind., beefsteak type | 85 | yellow/red | 12 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||||
Tomato 'Riesentraube' | high yields, good tomato taste, vigorous, 1"fruit, ind. | 80 | red | 15 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||||
Tomato 'Rozovyi' | exc. sweet flavour, huge, ind | good for sauce | 75 | red/pink | 10 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Tomato 'San Marzanno' | meaty, great for sauce, ind. | heirloom | 80 | bright red, pear shape | C | 12 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Southern nights' | smokey full flavour, ind. | Russian heirloom | 80 | black/red, green shoulders | C | 12 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Sugar lump' | cherry, very sweet, ind. | heirloom | 65 | red | C | 20 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Sun gold' F1 | Sweet! Vigorous, good for drying, ind. | 57 | tangerine colour | C | 8 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Tomato 'Swan's surprise!' | a mix of varieties - try something new! | various | 10 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||||
Tomato 'Sweet million' | cherry, sweet, ind. | long clusters | 70 | red | C | 10 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||
Tomato 'Wapsipinicon peach' | 2", fruity, fuzzy like peach, ind | sweet, unusual | 78 | peach colour | 10 | $ 2.50 | ||||||||||
Tomato 'Yellow plum' | lots of clusters, produces until frost, low acid, ind | 78 | yellow | 20 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||||
Tomato 'Zigon' | rich complex flavour, old Russian heirloom, ind | 80 | black/red | 12 | $ 2.50 | |||||||||||
Watermelon 'Sugar baby' | juicy, sweet, thin rind | small fruit, early | 80 | 8 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
B: for hanging baskets | N: native plant | |||||||||||||||
C: for containers | P: pollinator plant | |||||||||||||||
HERBS | NOTES | DETAILS | HT. | LEAF COLOUR | B/C | N | P | #sds | PRICE | |||||||
Basil 'Genovese' | aka St. Remo | favoured by chefs | 21" | dark green | 20 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Basil 'Goddess' | compact, slow bolting | very spicy | 12" | bright green | C | 20 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Basil 'Holy' | green | gourmet, strong | 12" | green | C | 20 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Basil 'Italian sweet large leaf'' | large, bright green | strongly scented | 16" | bright green | 20 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Basil 'Mammoth' | huge, light green | excellent flavour | 15" | light green | 25 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Basil 'Pistou' | petite, rounded shape | spicy | 6" | green | C | 20 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Basil 'Red Freddy' | dark red Genovese type, same flavour | 21" | dark red | 20 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Basil 'Red ruby' | 3" leaf, vigorous | great flavour | 18" | purple | 20 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Basil 'Sacred' | best for cool weather, hardy | 12" | green | C | 20 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Basil 'Sweet Dani' | large, olive green | strong lemon flavour | 26" | olive green | 20 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Basil 'Thai Siam queen' | AAS winner | licorice flavour | 24" | purple | 20 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Borage | sky blue star flowers | edible flwr/leaves | 24" | green | P | 10 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Cilantro 'Rani' | large flat green leaf, mild | more for seed | 24" | green | 10 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Cilantro 'Santo' | large flat green leaf | favourite | 24" | green | 10 | $ 2.00 | ||||||||||
Dill 'Superdukat' | lots of foliage, high essential oil, easy | 30" | green | 20 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||||
Parsley 'Italian' (flat leaf) | dark green flat leaf | best flavour | 12" | dark green | C | 20 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Parsley 'Forest green' (moss curled) | triple curled | good flavour | 12" | forest green | C | 20 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Sage (garden) | traditional, culinary | best flavour | 24" | grey/green | P | 10 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Summer savory | easy to grow | for meat/veggies | 12" | green/bronze | P | 20 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Sweet Marjoram | milder than oregano | good with meats | 12" | green | P | 20 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
Thyme (winter) | English type, hardy | excellent flavour | 6-10" | green | P | 10 | $ 2.00 | |||||||||
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![]() |
Petunia EasyWave | Petunia EasyWave | Petunia ShockWave | ||||||||||||||
Beachcomber' mix | Plum Pudding' mix | Electric' mix | ||||||||||||||
all 3 colours in 1 pelleted seed | both colours in 1 pelleted seed | both colours in 1 pelleted seed | ||||||||||||||
plant 3-5 seeds per basket | plant 3-5 seeds per basket | plant 3-5 seeds per basket | ||||||||||||||
Notes: | ||||||||||||||||
*'Multi-seed pellet' and 'pelleted seed' have many tiny seeds per pellet, making sowing these seeds very easy, without over-sowing. | ||||||||||||||||
*Marigold seeds that are 'de-tailed' have had the extra tail removed, reducing the overall size of the seeds, making them much easier to plant. | ||||||||||||||||
*'Primed seed' has already been stratified (pre-chilled), increasing germination rates. | ||||||||||||||||
Please contact us for ordering. | See our website for photos of the ornamental grasses. |
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